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fire fighter gloves buyer & importer

[RU] [F977135] 俄罗斯求购防火手套(fire fighter gloves) (09-22)
  We are looking for fire fighter gloves made of kevlar, nomex, membrane (Hipora, Porelle, etc). Here are example photos. Please send us your catalogue to my email.
[FI] [F352426] 芬兰求购消防手套(fire fighter gloves) (01-22)
  Dear Sir/Madam, First​ I​ like​ to​ introduce​ myself.​ My​ name​ is​ Miss​ Nina​ Pakarinen​ and​ I​ work​ ...
[US] [F350521] 美国求购消防手套(fire fighter gloves) (01-15)
  I am looking​ for​ a​ China​ Factory​ to​ make​ NFPA​ fire​ gloves?​ ​ We​ buy​ many​ thousand​ at​ a...
[GR] [F345420] 希腊求购消防手套(fire fighter gloves) (12-28)
  Dear Sir or​ Madame, ​ We​ are​ pleased​ to​ enquire​ you​ for​ 6.000​ pairs​ of​ fire fighter gloves​ certified​...

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