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Smart glasses buyer & importer

[KE] [F1194739] 肯尼亚求购智能眼镜(Smart Glasses) (03-28)
  F06 bluetooth sunglasses smart glassses
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[SA] [F1176500] 沙特阿拉伯求购智能眼镜(smart glasses) (09-01)
  Hi dear,I am looking for smart glasses , it will only be used for reading. For example: it can be worn while giving a public speech, and you can see people and texts in the glasses
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[EC] [F587900] 厄瓜多尔求购智能眼镜(smart glasses) (09-14)
  Good afternoon, my name is Cristian Carvajal and I′m writing from Ecuador, I′m looking to develop a kind of smart glasses, capable of sending video and receving audio using android, I don′t need any...
[ES] [F359008] 西班牙求购智能眼镜(Smart glasses) (03-15)
  Smart glasses Quantity Required: 100 Pieces I'm looking for glasses for windows that can reduce the heat of the sun in summer while keep this heat in winter.

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