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[IN] [F515761] 印度求购集装箱房(container house) (12-14)
  need container houses for single occupant ( 210cm x 120cm x 120cm)
[US] [F515758] 美国求购集装箱房(container house) (12-14)
  We are interested in 40HQ shipping containers, second hand.
[US] [F515757] 美国求购集装箱房(container house) (12-14)
  How do the panels *** to the frame and each other. are there fasteners that I must install ? do you have a picture of them?
[IR] [F515755] 伊朗求购集装箱房(container house) (12-14)
  We are looking for Expandable building system block.
[IT] [F515754] 意大利求购集装箱房(container house) (12-14)
  How much it costs the expandable container house?
[AT] [F515753] 奥地利求购集装箱房(container house) (12-14)
  very interested in the container house. Please let me know more details, thanks.
[AU] [F515556] 澳大利亚求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  Please send me the designs of this container house, thanks.
[BW] [F515554] 博茨瓦纳求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
[AE] [F515552] 阿联酋求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  I'm interested in modern mobile container house. I would like to know more details.
[AU] [F515551] 澳大利亚求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  I require custom 20ft/40ft shipping containers to keep the lockers safe and dry whilst still keeping high exposure for the lockers.
[FR] [F515550] 法国求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  I need prices of container houses. Can you send me all prices container houses with all models?
[US] [F515549] 美国求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  Can you send me your prefabricated available designs with the costs please? 20ft, 40ft
[US] [F515547] 美国求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  I’m interested in this type of movable modern 20ft used marine container house with wood wall sandwich panel inside,
[IL] [F515546] 以色列求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  How much cost this container house? Please send me catalog of your container designs.
[SE] [F515544] 瑞典求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  please supply more information about above models, thanks
[LK] [F515543] 斯里兰卡求购集装箱房(container house) (12-11)
  I would like to know the price of 20ft and 40ft size container houses.
[SN] [F515542] 塞内加尔求购集装箱房(container home) (12-11)
  We need 20 feet container homes, prefabricated with PU insulation, rockwool bottom.
[SR] [F514930] 苏里南求购集装箱房(container house) (12-09)
  I want to build the house in the link above . Can you give me quotation based on the original measures ?
[FR] [F514929] 法国求购集装箱房(container house) (12-09)
  Can you send me prices for : -20ft full options -40ft full options
[CR] [F514928] 哥斯达黎加求购集装箱房(mobile container) (12-09)
  I’m interested in mobile container as restaurant.

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