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[PK] [F435058] 巴基斯坦求购65mm 水晶弹力球(bounce glitter ball 65 mm) (05-26)
  We are interested in hi bounce glitter ball 65 mm for further details. Regards Syed Naqvi Universal Trading Co
[IN] [F434842] 印度求购水晶弹力球(glitter bounce ball) (05-23)
  This is Ahmed,Future Trading Group is engaged in Import&Export and we need 5.5​ Glitter Ball with 1 fish 3 light with some picture inside,if you have stock ready to buy on the spot,please send m...
[HK] [F429554] 中国香港求购10厘米水晶弹力球(BOUNCY​ FLASHING​ GLITTER​ GEL​ BALLS) (04-23)
[HK] [F428002] 中国香港求购46mm水晶弹力球(46mm glitter bounce ball) (04-14)
  Hi, Please advsie​ the​ price​ &​ MOQ​ for​ ***​ glitter​ bouncing​ ball​ with​ light. Size:​ 46mm
[CA] [F427849] 加拿大求购弹力球,水晶弹力球(bounce ball,glitter bounce ball) (04-12)
  What is the MOQ on your bounce ball,glitter bounce ball,high bouncing ball
[IE] [F426872] 爱尔兰求购100mm水晶弹力球(100MM​ water​ ball​ with​ glitter​) (04-08)
  We are​ an​ import​ company​ based​ in​ Dublin,​ Ireland.​ We​ are​ currently​ importing​ 100MM​ water​ ball​ ...
[MY] [F426856] 马来西亚求购水晶弹力球(Crystal bouncing ball) (04-08)
  Dear Sir/Madam We​ are​ an​ Import/Export​ company.You​ can​ find​ our​ detailed​ contact​ information's​ enclosed. I​ would...
[IL] [F425555] 以色列求购水晶弹力球(small​ bouncing​ glitter​ ball​ withR) (03-29)
  Hello I am​ looking​ for​ small​ bouncing​ glitter​ ball​ with​ light​ inside​ in​ 3​ different​ sizes Please​ o...
[FR] [F424565] 法国求购5cm水晶弹力球(glitter​ bouncing​ ball,​ 5​ cm​ d) (03-25)
  I​ am​ interested​ with​ your​ glitter​ bouncing​ ball,​ 5​ cm​ dia Qty​ =​ 40K Delivery​ in​ bulk,​ Donguan...
[US] [F423867] 美国求购水晶弹力球(crystal​ bouncing​ balls) (03-24)
  How tall are​ these​ crystal​ bouncing​ balls​ in​ inches?​ And​ price​ per?
[UK] [F423409] 英国求购水晶弹力球(glitter bounce ball) (03-19)
  Hi What is your best price for Glitter Filled Crystal Bouncing Ball I am​ interested​ in​ getting​ something​ printed​ onto​ the​ product.​ Do&#...
[US] [F422464] 美国求购55mm 水晶弹力球(55mm glitter bounce ball) (03-13)
  55mm glitter bounce ball 5000pcs
[NL] [F422124] 荷兰求购10cm水晶弹力球(glitter​ bouncing ball​ 10cm) (03-12)
  Can you​ give​ me​ your​ best​ price​ for​ the​ glitter​ bouncingball​ 10cm? Quantity​ 10.000​ pcs Urgently​ please! Th...
[US] [F420893] 美国求购水晶弹力球(glitter​ balls​) (03-07)
  What would​ your​ price​ be​ in​ US​ dollars​ for​ 1,000​ blue​ glitter​ balls​ around​ 2​ inches​ in​ d...
[HK] [F410229] 中国香港求购水晶弹力球(Glitter​ Bounce​ Ball) (01-08)
  We​ are​ looking​ for​ the​ Clear​ Glitter​ Bounce​ Ball​ as​ per​ ***​ photo​ and​ the​ size​ are​...
[TG] [F388536] 多哥求购水晶弹力球(crystal bouncing ball) (09-16)
  Quantity Needed: 5000 Piece/Pieces Hi, I would like to know the price for crystal bouncing ball with factory promotional price guarantee, I am interested in buying 5000 Piece/Pieces, Please pro...
[TH] [F371007] 泰国求购水晶弹力球(water bouncing ball) (06-18)
  Please advise the FOB price of the water bouncing ball no flashing diameter 3.5 cm for 800,000 pcs. Please e-mail the product picture for reference. Each packed in polybag. There is 1 color l...

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