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squeeze ball buyer & importer

[US] [F501942] 美国求购挤压球(Squeeze Ball) (08-18)
  Hello- I am interested in your Squeeze Ball with Worms What is the diameter of this ball??
[DE] [F466938] 德国求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (11-04)
  Hello from Germany, we wanna have some squeeze Bulls for our advertising. I need to know, the price for 1000 pieces and if it is possible to put our brand on the bull. Thx for answering. My conta...
[MX] [F436630] 墨西哥求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (05-30)
  I would like to send me a complete catalog of products manufactured or distributed with prices. I owe the attention. only buy up to 10 to 15 cases per model, and very often we shop, we airfreight a...
[HK] [F432612] 中国香港求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (05-13)
  We are UK based buying office in HK, looking for squeeze toy ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ...
[EG] [F432604] 埃及求购挤压玩具球(squeeze ball) (05-13)
  dear sir, I am interested in your scary squeeze ball, but with a parrot inside ​ Can you give me a quote for 1.000, 3.000 and 5.000 pieces could you indicate me the size of the ball, materi...
[SG] [F430884] 新加坡求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (05-04)
  Dear Sir, This​ is​ Cacia​ Chew​ and​ I​ am​ from​ Elites​ Marketing​ Singapore​ Pte​ Ltd.​ We​ are​ a̴...
[DE] [F430753] 德国求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (05-04)
  1) ​ For​ the​ following​ item,​ the​ customer​ wants:​ 200,000​ balls​ !!!​ No​ customized​ 100%​ save​ ite...
[UK] [F425527] 英国求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (03-29)
  What is the MOQ on your squeeze ball,squeeze grape ball,squeezing eyes ball
[GT] [F424412] 危地马拉求购玩具挤压球(squeeze ball) (03-24)
  Hi this is​ Samuel​ Mejia​ from​ Guatemala,​ I​ need​ more​ information​ of​ these​ product,​ i​ need​ the​ pr...
[US] [F424274] 美国求购挤压玩具球(squeeze ball) (03-24)
  we are looking for a factory who can do this rubber duck keychain project for us. we have 15 different designs of ducks similar to the *** picture. the unit size is 3.5cm length x 3.5 width duck size...
[US] [F422076] 美国求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (03-12)
  Hi, How much​ per​ unit​ and​ is​ there​ a​ minimum?
[HK] [F421863] 中国香港求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (03-11)
  We​ are​ a​ Spanish​ buying​ office​ in​ Hong​ Kong.​ ​ We​ are​ looking​ for​ the​ squeeze​ ball​...
[AE] [F420860] 阿联酋求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (03-07)
  Please​ look​ at​ ***​ image,​ we​ need​ 5000​ pcs​ with​ 4​ colour​ logo​ printing. I​ need​ your​ b...
[AT] [F420421] 奥地利求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (03-05)
  we are an Austrian​ (Europe)​ promotional​ dealer​ and​ reseller​ and​ I​ need​ for​ my​ customer​ anti-stress​ balls,R...
[MX] [F419623] 墨西哥求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (03-01)
  My​ name​ is​ Emilie​ and​ i​ am​ working​ for​ a​ Mexican​ company​ which​ field​ are​ the​ promotional...
[UK] [F418397] 美国求购挤压玩具球(squeeze ball) (02-24)
  Quote to produce​ ***​ shape​ in​ standard​ squeeze​ ball​ type​ stress​ reliever​ material.​ ​ Size​ is​ about̴...
[ES] [F410230] 西班牙求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (01-08)
  We'd​ like​ to​ take​ this​ chance​ to​ introduce​ our​ company,​ CUSTOM​ BROKER​ COMPANY,​ S.A,​ is​ dedicate...
[EG] [F409199] 埃及求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (01-02)
  Egyptian Commerce​ Company​ -​ ECO​ is​ interested​ in​ home​ use​ products​ .​ We​ represent​ many​ international&#...
[KR] [F406789] 韩国求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (12-24)
  Dear Sir/Madam,​ This​ is​ Sonny​ from​ SellFun,​ Korea.​ I​ am​ looking​ for​ squeezable​ ball​ for​ fun.​...
[HK] [F405758] 中国香港求购挤压球(squeeze ball) (12-20)

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