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venting ball buyer & importer

[US] [F405786] 美国求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-20)
  Could​ you​ please​ email​ your​ available​ pricing​ on​ your​ venting​ balls?​ ​ If​ each​ design​ has​...
[US] [F405782] 美国求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-20)
  Please advise minimums,​ delivery,​ terms,​ prices​ for​ all​ variety​ of​ "venting​ balls"​ that​ stick​ when​ thrownR...
[CH] [F405755] 瑞士求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-20)
  is it possible​ to​ receive​ a​ sample? is​ it​ possible​ to​ print​ company​ name​ and​ logo? which​ colours​ are...
[MX] [F405434] 墨西哥求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-19)
[TW] [F405423] 中国台湾求购发泄球(VENTING BALL) (12-19)
  Greeting,​ I​ had​ been​ see​ your​ company​ products"​ venting​ ball".​ I​ would​ like​ to​ inquire​ moreR...
[MX] [F405415] 墨西哥求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-19)
  I would like​ to​ buy​ this​ product​ ,​ please​ send​ a​ quotation​ price​ with​ minimum​ volumes. Thanks Maria​ ...
[MA] [F405012] 摩洛哥求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-17)
  Hello, i just​ got​ back​ from​ the​ canton​ fair​ but​ you​ were​ not​ exposing​ there i​ bought​ your​ new...
[UK] [F404989] 美国求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-17)
  venting ball i do wholesale​ in​ usa​ i​ need​ your​ prices​ thank​ you
[US] [F403992] 美国求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-12)
  Saw your venting​ balls​ at​ a​ recent​ street​ market​ and​ would​ like​ to​ consider​ selling​ them​ along​ ...
[US] [F403975] 美国求购发泄球(venting ball) (12-12)
  Interested in buying​ Venting​ Balls​ for​ my​ store​ in​ downtown​ Palm​ Springs,​ CA​ USA.​ Is​ there​ a​ su...
[US] [F384960] 美国求购发泄球(venting ball/stress ball,venting ball,promotion ball) (08-29)
  venting ball/stress ball,venting ball,promotion ball Please give me your current price, and what is the smallest order I can make?
[US] [F384948] 美国求购发泄球(venting ball) (08-29)
  I'm itnerested in opening up a mall kiosk ans selling splat balls. I would like to use your company as my supplier. Please email me at

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