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[US] [F436688] 美国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-30)
  This is Jun from Igloo books Limited UK. My company was recently featured as one of the UKs Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies. I am looking to purchase sticky wall thrower. Please see the *** pict...
[IL] [F435340] 以色列求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-26)
  pls. see below our enquiry for the sticky toys. ​ ​ the details are as follows: ​ 1) sticky hand in our customer shapes ( pls. see *** shapes ) instead of the hand we want ...
[US] [F435266] 美国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-26)
  ARE these sticky! will it stick on wall? window? How much per unit? Cost of deliver? and how long to deliver to the United states?
[PT] [F434463] 葡萄牙求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-22)
  We are looking for partners for Sticky toy, I send you the image in ***ment. About the size you can propose us? About 5 cm?​ 6 cm? The quantities are 10.000 units Packing in PP bag ​ ...
[FR] [F434452] 法国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-22)
  This is​ Echo Rochet​ from DAG IMPORT. Our company has been in the gifts and premiums market in​ France for​ 20 years. We have a new inquiry as follows. PLEASE send me your de...
[TR] [F433929] 土耳其求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-20)
  ​​ I am interested in buying wall mirror stickers for Turkey .Please send me your price list. ​ ​​ ​​ Looking forward your reply.
[US] [F433897] 美国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-20)
  How do I find vendors to where I can Buy 2 or 3?
[US] [F433692] 美国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-19)
  ​ Looking for wall mirror in the shape of a dove. ​ Only need 10 pieces for school mural to be finished. ​ Can you help? ​ I cannot order 1,000 pieces. ​ Do you know w...
[UK] [F433120] 英国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-15)
  Hi there My name is shaheer and i am currently running a market stall in the uk and was interested in buying your toys to sell. i would like to enquire whether or not you have other types of the same ...
[HK] [F430870] 中国香港求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (05-04)
  Dear Sales Manager, This​ is​ Plagan​ Chan​ a​ merchandiser​ of​ "Matrix​ Sourcing​ Ltd.";​ we​ are​ Promotional​ compa...
[CA] [F428001] 加拿大求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (04-14)
  Quantity:​ one​ million Sticky​ Unit: Option​ 1:​ ​ Black,​ red​ or​ grey​ AUDI​ car​ shape​ in​ a​ cello&...
[DE] [F427990] 德国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (04-14)
  you mail more​ price​ for​ man​ stick​ toy/Wall​ Tumbling​ Toys​ Best​ Regards​ Thomas​ Ostermeier​
[US] [F427708] 美国求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (04-11)
  e want to purchase 6,000,000 sticky toys. Material: TPR (Thermoplastic rubber) “No toxic materials” Toys most not have any type of strong or strange smell Size: 4,5 cms high x 3,5 cms wide x...
[LV] [F427519] 立陶宛求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (04-10)
  What is the MOQ on your sticky toys,novelty toys,toys
[UK] [F427511] 英国求购黏黏玩具(sticky​ toy) (04-10)
  Hello, Im interested​ in​ buying​ sticky​ toys.​ The​ kind​ I​ need​ is​ a​ penis​ shape​ sticky​ toy,​ for&#...
[CA] [F426890] 加拿大求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (04-08)
  hi what is​ the​ minimum​ order​ on​ your​ toys?​ can​ i​ mix​ and​ match?​ also​ i​ was​ wondering​ if&...
[PH] [F426791] 菲律宾求购7-8cm黏黏玩具(7-8cm​ size​ sticky​ toys.) (04-05)
  Dear Sir, We​ are​ interested​ in​ your​ range​ of​ 7-8cm​ size​ sticky​ toys. Pls​ advise​ available​ designs​...
[PH] [F426787] 菲律宾求购黏黏玩具(sticky toys) (04-05)
  Please send me​ prices​ on​ your​ sticky​ toys.​ Rgds, Anders​ Barris
[US] [F426651] 美国求购黏黏玩具(sticky​ toys​ in​ different​ shapes̴) (04-05)
  Can you make​ the​ sticky​ toys​ in​ different​ shapes​ or​ sizes​ if​ I​ order​ a​ large​ quantity
[ES] [F425737] 西班牙求购黏黏玩具手(sticky hand) (03-31)
  We​ have​ a​ client​ in​ Spain​ who​ is​ very​ interested​ in​ your​ sticky​ hands.​ If​ we​ have​...

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