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[SA] [F899083] 沙特阿拉伯求购一缩二丙二醇(Dipropylene Glycol) (11-10)
  Dipropylene Glycol Hello, We are looking for Dipropylene Glycol (industrial grade) for our fragrance product. Kindly let us know CIF Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Thanks.
[EG] [F858569] 埃及求购一缩二丙二醇(Dipropylene glycol) (07-24)
  Quantity 5 Mt DPG- purity 99.5 % - Packed in new steel drums, capacity 225-230 Kg, every 4 drums are placed in a new heated fumigated and treated wooden pallet shrink and wrapped. Price to be CIF Alex...
[YE] [F804787] 也门求购一缩二丙二醇(di-propylene glycol) (03-30)
  odear sirs,pls offer us your today’s best price cfr hodeidah port, rep. of yemen price in us dollars per metric ton with full details of goods, packing along with complete specifications for the follo...
[US] [F570160] 美国求购一缩二丙二醇(dipropylene glycol) (04-17)
  Hello, I am looking for DPG (dipropylene glycol), also known as carrying oil for perfumed/scented oils (including burning oils that burn in electric scented oil burning lamps). I also need STRONG-sc...
[KW] [F531803] 科威特求购一缩二丙二醇(dipropylene glycol) (04-08)
  dipropylene glycol for perfumery Dpg for perfumry use
[JP] [F403193] 日本求购一缩二丙二醇(dipropylene glycol) (12-08)
  dipropylene glycol(CAS NO:110-98-5) Mass order quantity: 500 Acre/Acres CAS110-98-5 200kg500kgFOB
[AE] [F386592] 阿联酋求购一缩二丙二醇(Dipropylene Glycol) (09-05)
  Kindly send us your company profile and price list .. Best regards, Naved Nizami

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