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water purification tablets buyer & importer

[SA] [F1150834] 沙特阿拉伯求购净水片(Water Purification Tablets) (12-27)
  Dear Sir, We are need for Water Purification Tablets in Blister pack 1200lit Tanks.( one tablet for 1200 lit). Vegetables and fruits washing tablets. Manufacture should follow WHO GMP MOQ. CIF...
[LB] [F388681] 黎巴嫩求购净水片(water purification tablets) (09-16)
  NaDCC Tablets (Very Urgent) order quantity: 1000000 Pieces Dear Sirs, We are in a very urgent need for 1,000,000 NaDCC water purification tablets. Each should treat 10 liters of water and shoul...

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