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work tables buyer & importer

[RU] [F876424] 俄罗斯求购工作表(Work Tables) (02-01)
  Good afternoon! May you make work tables with the top part made of stainless steel and a framework, made of colored steel? Coloring by powder paint of gray color.
[UK] [F834137] 英国求购工作桌子(work tables) (02-22)
  please contact me for quote info on work table pricing.
[CA] [F391689] 加拿大求购作业台(work tables) (10-09)
  warehouse platform lift, warehouse work tables order quantity: 12 Sets HELLO i AM A LIFT WHOLESALER AND RETAILER IN cANADA AND i AM EXPANDING INTO WAREHOUSE STYLE LIFTS CAN YOU GIVE ME A PRICE...

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