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[MM] [F1007398] 缅甸求购电开关(electric switch) (09-29)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is KhaingZaw Thant from MM. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: Switch with Touch Acryclic or Crystal Clear surface. The switch must be not for electri...
[ID] [F882711] 印泥求购电开关(electrical switch) (04-24)
  electrical switch HI Please send me the Wiring Diagrams for the PC-10 model. Thanks
[SA] [F648786] 沙特求购电开关(Buy Electrical Switches) (03-24)
  We are looking for rotary switches for our Room coolers. Photograph *** for your reference. Kindly contact us for more details
[Other] [F647803] 科威特求购电开关(on-off) (03-21)
  v 220/240 13amp with fuse replacabble hose three pin not round BS /1363. 2 x 1 3x 1 3 x 1 etc with cord 3 mtr 5 mtr 7mtr etc
[LK] [F557620] 斯里兰卡求购电开关(Light Switch) (12-05)
  Hi, We like your EU standard Livolo Multi-Function Luxury Crystal Glass Panel, Intelligent Touch Timer Light Switch. Can you kindly forward a prices for 1 gang and 2 gang switches pls.
[BD] [F354458] 孟加拉国求购电开关(electric switches) (01-31)
  electric switches and sockets Quantity Required: 1 Bushel/Bushels We are interested for Electric Switches and sockets as per followings: 1-Gang Switch 50 SETS 2-Gang Switch 480 SETS 3-Gang Swit...
[TR] [F333807] 土耳其求购电开关(electric switch) (11-27)
  electric blanket switch. Properties of switch are 250/220v and 2 Amp.Switch should be has 3 steps 1- Closed 2- Warm 3- Hot.Switch has been equipped 2 meters in long cupper wire.Again I would like to i...

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