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[PK] [F800095] 巴基斯坦求购孢曲松钠,左氧氟沙星,聚乙二醇干扰素(ceftriaxone sodium, levofloxacin, pegylated interferon) (02-23)
  ywe need fine quality medicines including ceftriaxone sodium, levofloxacin, pegylated interferon, and long acting insulin
[IN] [F492241] 印度求购左氧氟沙星(Levofloxacin) (06-03)
  Please arrange to send us your most competitive commercial offer for Levofloxacin Intermediates, at the earliest along with Specifications / COA, Packing, Minimum Order Quantity and Payment Terms at...
[IN] [F282677] 印度求购左氧氟沙星(levofloxacin hydrochloride) (11-22)
  levofloxacin hydrochlordie Please send us coa and price we are a big company and require levofloxacin hydrochlordie for a large amount. Please offer us your most competitive price.We hope to estab...
[IN] [F55799] 印度求购左氧氟沙星(Levofloxacin) (01-17)
  Your Quote should include the following: 1) CIF price Air and sea Karanchi, Pakistan 2) Payment Terms 3) Delivery schedule 4) Product specification - pharmacopeal 5) Packing details 6) Country of Orig...

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