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PISTON buyer & importer

[BR] [F911273] 巴西求购活塞(piston) (04-03)
[IE] [F911270] 爱尔兰求购活塞(piston) (04-03)
  I am looking for replacement Piston/Cylinder Kit for Sthil TS400 OEM (4223-020-1200) Partner K650 OEM (506 09 092-120 Makita DPC 6200 OEM (325-130-032)
[AR] [F911223] 阿根廷求购活塞(piston) (04-03)
[ZA] [F911209] 南非求购活塞(piston) (04-02)
  We are looking for Kamaz Engine Spares V8 Piston sets, Bearings, Gaskits Etc
[AO] [F911199] 安哥拉求购活塞(piston) (04-02)
  segments, pistons, electric fuel pump, starter
[US] [F911197] 美国求购活塞(piston) (04-02)
  I am looking for someone to reproduce some antique Briggs and Stratton pistons
[PL] [F903824] 波兰求购活塞(Piston) (12-26)
  Product name:Piston for MAK M25 Country:Poland Details:I am looking for 6 pcs Piston ( Piston steel crown ) P/N 252670-102 for MAK M25 Can you help me ? This is very very urgent for me. I n...
[SA] [F869985] 沙特阿拉伯求购活塞(Piston) (11-21)
  HI I inquire if you have :- 1)piston engine type 4JX1. 2)piston ring type 4JX1 3)repair gasket type 4JX1. And as these parts for type 4JJ1. B.R
[NO] [F867629] 挪威求购溜冰鞋配件(Piston) (11-01)
  K2 Apache Outlaw Piston M1 12. 0 I\'m interested in what you have in k2 skis.Please e-mail me information on different styles, and prices.
[MX] [F867507] 墨西哥求购皮艇配件(Piston) (10-30)
  K2 Apache Outlaw Piston M1 12. 0 I\'m interested in what you have in k2 skis.Please e-mail me information on different styles, and prices.
[ZA] [F853550] 南非求购活塞(piston) (06-28)
  I wonder if you can help. I am looking for parts on my R4108 on 50kVa Generator. Please let me know if there is someone in South Africa that can help or if i can get the parts form you. Please...
[VN] [F838124] 越南求购活塞(Piston) (03-16)
  We are a trading company in Vietnam.We are looking for manufacturers of pistons for motorbikes from 50 to 250cc.Please inform us your details.
[AE] [F832776] 阿联酋求购摩托车配件(Piston) (02-15)
  Automobiles Motorcycles We are searching for Piston. Please communicate with us, if you are interested in above item.
[TW] [F815940] 台湾求购活塞(piston) (10-18)
  Dear sirs, We will plan to buy the piston now We hope you can cooperate with us Thanks
[IQ] [F769649] 伊拉克求购轴承、凸轮轴轴衬、活塞、活塞环、垫圈(Bearing, Cam Shaft Bush, Piston, Piston Ring, Gasket) (05-27)
  We are repairing two big engines and like to get the spares from your end. The engine details: Model : QSK 60-g3 Cummins S.N.: 11158-119 Ref no : QSK 60 g3 SAKR Engine no.: 33154908 Family:0...
[UG] [F767190] 乌干达求购活塞、活塞环(Piston, Piston Rings) (05-05)
  We require spare part for trucks like piston, rings, turbos mostly for mercedes benz, copper baring tapes for earthing etc .
[YE] [F722672] 也门求购活塞(Piston) (03-14)
  Inquiry Piston for our market,pls quote your best price list with photo for our reference, tks.
[PY] [F650930] 巴拉圭求购五金制品(PISTON,BASE & ETC.) (04-05)
  We require the followings: Piston, base and wheels, piston to rise and lower ther armchair, to be assembled over the base, the five stokes(fingers)base on which to mount the piston and on top the a...
[AR] [F522078] 阿根廷求购活塞(piston) (01-18)
  Dear Sirs., my Name is Sergio Gallardo. We are a Regional Co. from South America with HQ in Montevideo, Uruguay. Will be a pleasure to receive from your Company your full-catalogue for the follow prod...
[FR] [F426910] 法国求购活塞(piston) (04-08)
  search gasket + + segment cousiner rod engine Yammar 3T72H -NB number MOTEU

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