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[EG] [F437760] 埃及求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (06-06)
  hello im ayman from egypt im a general manager for light & water company i need 500 pieces from this led keychain my logo company put i need you ship it in 3 dayes can you you do this because i have...
[MY] [F436953] 马来西亚求购发光钥匙挂件(Led lamp keychain) (06-03)
  Dear Mr I need info if i order 500 or 1000 pcs Led lamp keychain, and shipping to Indonesia how many i pay this keychain ? best regrads Ferdi Setiadi
[ES] [F435779] 西班牙求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (05-28)
  hi, ms. we're interesting in the yellow“casco yellow led” promotion keychain. we don't need logo. we want the totally yellow helmet, in 3000 units. please we need your price and your estimated timing....
[HK] [F435765] 中国香港求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (05-28)
  We need 6400pcs LED torch which model like below. Torch in shape of lighthouse, size: 32*150 mm, LED, 3 W, 200 lm Sliding, three lighting modes (high light output, low light output, push into strobe...
[CO] [F435764] 哥伦比亚求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (05-28)
  Hi, this is marcela from euromoto beltran. Our company have you been in colombia for years. Can you provide me with more information regarding the product? And. G. Detailed product specifications, fob...
[US] [F435462] 美国求购发光钥匙挂件(Light Keychain) (05-27)
  This is Janice. I am interested in the following product: Product:Crystal Cube Keychain; Material: Crystal; Type: Light Keychain; Please provide a detailed quotation for this/ or similar produ...
[IL] [F434817] 以色列求购发光钥匙挂件(Flash Light​ Key Chain) (05-23)
  Hello I have a client​ who wants Flash Light​ Key Chain Cheapest​ price​ possible 10/20K​ quantity Which models​ you have​ to offer me Thank you
[TT] [F428363] 特立尼达和多巴哥求购发光钥匙挂件(LED keychain) (04-15)
  Item: key chain with LED light or bottle opener Size: 48*33*21mm Material: plastic GMRTT Safety Week This is to be printed on the helmets. A mixture of colors would be great.
[US] [F427265] 美国求购发光钥匙挂件(glow or flash keychain) (04-09)
  size: dia30mm description:glow or flash; water resistant; 2*cr2016 batteries
[IN] [F427036] 印度求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (04-09)
  This is venkatesh. I am interested in the following product: Product:solar key chain; Material: LED; Type: Solar Keychain; Please provide a detailed quotation for this/ or similar product incl...
[AU] [F423416] 澳大利亚求购发光钥匙挂件(led key chain) (03-19)
  LED​ light​ keychain​ for​ promotional​ proposes​ including​ printing​ colour​ logo. Please​ provide​ the​ details​ inc...
[IT] [F423405] 意大利求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (03-19)
  hi, i am interested​ to​ led​ key​ chain,​ can​ you​ send​ me​ price​ list?,​
[US] [F420711] 美国求购发光钥匙挂件(LED keychain​) (03-06)
  Wanted LED keychain​ in​ shape​ of​ a​ U.S.A.​ type​ school​ bus.​ ​ 500​ needed,​ may​ consider​ larger​ quan...
[SG] [F420059] 新加坡求购发光钥匙挂件(light up keychain) (03-04)
  light up keychain 5000pcs in oppbag package
[IL] [F419909] 以色列求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (03-03)
  I need the​ best​ price of led kechain.​ ​ i​ so​ far​ have​ price​ .80rmb.​ If​ you​ can​ give​ me​ better...
[CA] [F415029] 加拿大求购发光钥匙挂件(led keychain) (01-27)
  we​ have​ a​ customer​ looking​ to​ purchase​ LED​ keychain​ light​ (promotional)​ keychain​ with​ custom​ logo can...
[RU] [F407566] 俄罗斯求购发光钥匙挂件(flashing key chain) (12-26)
  I​ would​ like​ to​ introduce​ our​ company​ -​ THE​ CLEVER​ HOUSE,​ LTD.​ We​ specialize​ in​ creation​...

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