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[AU] [F424404] 澳大利亚求购塑料玩具飞盘(plastic toy frisbee) (03-24)
  Please supply an URGENT quote for 1000 and 2500 plastic flying dog frisbies. We would want 1000 of the Frisbee sent to us by the most economical courier. And then if we went for the quantity of 2500...
[HK] [F419627] 中国香港求购塑料玩具飞盘(plastic frisbee) (03-01)
  We​ are​ a​ premium​ sourcing​ company​ based​ in​ Hong​ Kong​ and​ one​ of​ my​ clients​ in​ the​...
[HK] [F409422] 中国香港求购塑料玩具飞盘(a disc-shaped toy​ of​ plastic) (01-05)
  a disc-shaped toy​ of​ plastic​ and​ /​ or​ rubber​ make​ at​ 41.​ 25mm-44.​ 85mm​ dm with​ round​ protrusions̴...

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