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[US] [F768195] 美国求购玻璃食品储藏罐(Glass Food Storage Containers with Airtight Lids) (05-12)
  We are interested in a variety of sizes of glass food storage containers that have the following characteristics: 1) Composed of borosilicate or soda-lime glass 2) Have locking lids that ...
[TR] [F690567] 土耳其求购储藏罐(Storage Bin) (03-13)
  [img][/img] Atlantis Ltd. is an import & export company based in Istanbul-Turkey. Our main duties for our wide ranged customer portfolio are; -...
[AE] [F493163] 阿联酋求购储藏罐(container) (06-11)
  Dear Sir, We are a medical trading company located in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Please send your best price and shortest delivery time for the below item: 1) Sharp container 23L --- 600 Pcs
[IT] [F409507] 意大利求购储藏罐(Collector) (01-05)
  size: height:​ 7​ cm​ ​ /​ alternative​ height:​ 5,5​ cm material: hard​ rubber​ or​ plastic,​ coloured​ -​ no̴...

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