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treadmill motor buyer & importer

[IN] [F885933] 印度求购跑步机马达(Treadmill Motor) (06-06)
  ZYT Series permannet magnetic D.C. Treadmill Motor Quantity Required: 100 Sets Detailed Description Dear Sir, My Company name is Vedika sports. my company deal with repairing and service of ...
[RU] [F839427] 俄罗斯求购跑步机(TREADMILL MOTOR) (03-22)
  I am Interesting TREADMILL MOTOR. I need kowutsumi treamill dc motor volt-DC 180 amp-5,2 limit amp-6,7 watt-932 HP-1 RPM-3800 Peak HP-3 Peak Watt-2050 Insulation class-A Sergey Petukhov
[ID] [F435606] 印度尼西亚求购跑步机马达(Treadmill motor) (05-27)
  please information price per unit to the city of Surabaya Indonesian state. for making large quantities, at least how many units?? I use a dc motor to an engine of a toy that I made. like a mini train...
[UK] [F56593] 英国求购电机(treadmill motor) (02-03)
  regarding your treadmill motors. I would like you to send me a sample please for evaluation.

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