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[PL] [F169563] 波兰求购机械零件(VW diesel injector) (03-22)
  VW diesel injector hello, It is possible order 4 x DLSA150P706? If yes, how is shippment coust to Poland? Regards Jakub Jakubowski
[RE] [F72749] 罗马尼亚求购机械零件(Components) (11-14)
  The accessory we need should be exactitude, and the quality about the surface is also in strictly requested. Hope we can cooperate. We want to hear from you, please provide complete contact informat...
[UA] [F57421] 乌克兰求购机械零件(ZL50G) (03-05)
  I am owner and director of workshop in Ukraine. Now we repair the frontal loader of ZL50G, witch made by Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group is made, we need the differential of back axis. Number of a...

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