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[ID] [F1203093] 印尼求购77G毫米波雷达传感器(77G millimeter wave radar sensor) (07-10)
  Our company needs to purchase a batch of 77GHz automotive anti-collision radar sensors. Manufacturers and suppliers are welcome to contact us via email. thanks
[IN] [F1172062] 印度求购5.8GHz微波雷达传感器(5.8GHz Microwave Radar Sensor) (07-22)
  Team,Can You arange Below *** same to same Microwave Sensor Quantity Required 1000 Peaces / Per month minimum, Target Rate Is $0.40 /Peace
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[IL] [F1140112] 以色列求购3D雷达传感器(3D radar sensor) (09-07)
  Our company is developing an autonomous driving robot and needs to purchase a 3D radar sensor. Please contact us and send the product information to the e-mail. Thanks!
[OM] [F1058371] 阿曼求购多普勒雷达传感器(doppler radar sensor) (10-28)
  Dear Sir we are in need of Radars to be integrated with cameras can you please advise which of your Radar can be integrated with ANPR cameras Please note we are a traffic management company based ...
[AU] [F822608] 澳大利亚求购雷达传感器(radar sensor) (12-05)
  Dear Sir, I am interested in buying some of radar sensor. Could you please give me a price for 50 of these. Awaiting your feedback !
[ID] [F448067] 印尼求购雷达传感器(VEGA RADAR SENSOR PLUS SR 68) (07-30)
  Dear Sales Please send me best price, our stock and catalog as follow : 1 EA VEGA RADAR SENSOR PLUS SR 68 Specification SSR68.XXE1HEBRMAX

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