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Bottling Plant buyer & importer

[ZA] [F692556] 南非求购瓶子(Buy Bottling Plant) (04-05)
  I am bottling mineral water in bottles of 500ml, 1, 5l and 5l. I would like to get a quote for a complete plant for 5000 bottles / h of 500ml, 700 bottles / h of 1, 5 and 700 bottles / h of 5l. Pr...
[PK] [F684583] 巴基斯坦求购饮用水过滤装置(Buy Drinking Water Filtration And Bottling Plant) (12-06)
  We are starting our new project of drinking water filtratin and bottling plant. Our market has alot of potential for drinking water as people are getting aware of importance of pure drinking water. ...
[PT] [F205857] 葡萄牙求购装瓶(Bottling Plant) (06-07)
  Spring water bottling plant
[ZA] [F59498] 南非求购灌装设备(Bottling Plant) (04-05)
  I am bottling mineral water in bottles of 500ml, 1, 5l and 5l. I would like to get a quote for a complete plant for 5000 bottles / h of 500ml, 700 bottles / h of 1, 5 and 700 bottles / h of 5l. Pr...

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