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[CM] [F919332] 喀麦隆求购手动变速箱(manual transmission) (07-18)
  please note that the order is very large and it maybe divided among a number of suppliers so if we have a competitive price, we could win most if not all, it is about the following cars/trucks ALL MUS...
[US] [F909589] 美国求购手动变速箱(manual transmission) (03-19)
  Volvo 670 or 780 5- 2005 - 2007 Volvo 670 or 780, Cummins PWR, manual transmission, 400-500k miles, Southeast preferred
[KR] [F909584] 韩国求购手动变速箱(manual transmission) (03-19)
  Need Prices on 2013 Kia Bingo Trucks 4000cc and 2700cc automtinc and manual transmission. basic truck with full list of options including and their cost
[KW] [F468759] 科威特求购手动变速箱(Manual Transmission) (11-13)
  Greetings, Please note that we need water and diesel tanker Sincerely,

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