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[ZA] [F1065480] 南非求购辊轧成形机(roll former) (12-06)
  Nihao, This is a well established group of trading companies in Nanfei who also export to 18 other countries in Africa. The Revaro group started trading in 2000 and import around 150 x 40HC container...
[ZA] [F496410] 南非求购辊轧成形机(roll forming making machine) (07-07)
  I would like to customize "corrugated iron roofing sheet roll forming making machine made in China" with the following specifications: Condition: New Type: Tile Forming Machine Tile Type: Steel Us...
[PG] [F496409] 巴布亚新几内亚求购辊轧成形机(roll forming making machine) (07-07)
  I would like to customize "Corrugated iron roofing sheet roll forming making machine made in China" with the following specifications: Condition: New Type: Tile Forming Machine Tile Type: Colored S...
[UG] [F496407] 乌干达求购辊轧成形机(roll forming making machine) (07-07)
  This is Ndoli from Uganda and I would like to customize "Corrugated iron roofing sheet roll forming making machine made in China" with the following specifications: Condition: New Type: Tile Forming...
[IN] [F440372] 印度求购颜色屋顶薄钢板辊轧成形机(Color roofing sheet roll forming machine) (06-17)
  I want to find some color roofing sheet roll forming machine. Material is steel #45. Thickness of panel is from 0.3mm to 0.8mm. Feeding width is 1020mm. Voltage is 440V AC.
[IN] [F59879] 印度求购辊轧成形机(Roll Forming Machine) (04-09)
  We require a Roll Forming Machine for Export to spain. Please contact so that I can give you the Drawings For the Galavanized Steel Product with 2mm thickness. The same company will also be interest...

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