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[KE] [F1054821] 肯尼亚求购阳极氧化铝(ANODIZED ALUMINUM) (10-11)
  Aluminum silver/gold anodized Best price? MOQ? Size should be 1.2metre x 2.4metre thickness preferred is 1.2mm
[JO] [F1042372] 约旦求购阳极氧化铝资产标签(anodized aluminum asset tag) (07-30)
  quantity 11000 locker number tag as per *** specs Please respond on e mail: Best regards
[IN] [F817305] 印度求购阳极氧化铝(Anodizing aluminum) (11-07)
  I have a pair of ATV Nerf bars that are bare aluminum, and we would like a price to anodize them. They are for a 2007 Yamaha YFZ450SE The blue like on this frame:(copy and paste link below)
[RU] [F475129] 俄罗斯联邦求购阳极氧化铝(anodized aluminium) (12-18)
  Good afternoon! Could you please let us know if you have an opportunity to make a delivery of leaf anodized aluminium without sealing. Our company will color it by itself. We also need a price of req...

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