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[RU] [F965543] 俄罗斯求购1.25g单纤双向SFP模块 SC连接头 1310nm波长(sc connector sfp transceiver 1000base-lx sfp 1310nm 1.25g bidi s) (10-28)
  1)bidi 1000base-lx sfp tranceiver 2)1310nm wavelength 3) sc connector 4) 100 pairs pleasa send me the quotation along with the delviery time.
[MK] [F965366] 马其顿求购sc连接头 3米尾纤(SC type pigtails 3meters each) (10-24)
  hello , i've checked your catalog,it's nice. give me the price of SC type pigtails 3meters each,800pieces
[AE] [F964971] 沙特求购SC连接头 双工跳线(SC TYPE FIBER PATCH CORD DUPLEX) (10-12)
  Good day! It's nice writing to you. Please send me the price about the SC TYPE FIBER PATCH CORD DUPLEX,3.0mm,3meters. QTY:200 PIECES Alsfoog
[TR] [F955034] 土耳其求购SC连接头(SC FIBER OPTIC CONNECTOR) (03-04)
  Hello, What's the price of SC Connector. We need a large quantity here. Adnan
[PT] [F482481] 葡萄牙求购SC连接头(SC adapters) (03-02)
  We are trying to find SC adapters with shutter to avoid eye contact with the light. Please inform me if you have: - SC APC duplex adapters with internal shutter; - SC APC simplex adapters with inte...

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