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Fresnel Lens buyer & importer

[RU] [F1137335] 俄罗斯求购耳透镜(Fresnel lens) (08-03)
  Hello! I need to design a Fresnel lens for LEDs. Can you help do this? Or maybe you can advise someone who can do it? Best wishes,
[FR] [F924011] 法国求购菲涅尔透镜(Fresnel lens) (10-09)
  Villeflose Bastian from France has asked to find suppliers of Fresnel lens (Category : Plastic Film). If you are interested, please contact this buyer.
[IN] [F694448] 印度求购菲涅尔透镜(fresnel lens) (04-24)
  We are looking for fresnel lens. Please contact us immediately with your best price and delivery facilities.
[PK] [F637357] 巴基斯坦求够放映机镜头(Fresnel Lens ) (01-24)
  We want to buy some good quality Fresnel Lens (lens use in projectors). We need this lens for some DIY big projection projectors. Please only serious supplier/manufacturers reply with company profile,...
[ES] [F521354] 西班牙求购菲涅耳透镜(fresnel lens) (01-13)
  We're looking for fresnel lens for our led street lights and floodlights. We want a the fresnel lens as thin as possible and it has an angle of 60 degree or 90 degree for our floodlights. Do you have...
[FR] [F483628] 法国求购菲涅尔透镜(Fresnel Lens) (03-18)
  Fresnel Lens dimension 34 x 24 cm focal length about 460mm

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