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capillary tube buyer & importer

[IN] [F1056702] 印度求购毛细管(Capillary tube) (10-18)
  Need 200 microlitre NA-Hepariinized capillaries
[PK] [F823888] 巴基斯坦求购毛细管(Capillary Tube) (12-09)
  Dear Sir, we need Glass Capillary Tubes GT-52A for some special application with the following specifications. outer Diameter= 1 mm, Inner Diameter= 0.4mm, content: silica 68.7%, B2O2 19%, Al2O3 3.5%,...
[SN] [F551250] 塞内加尔求购毛细管(capillary tube) (10-17)
  Dear Seller, We are an international business firm and very Interested in your products. Kindly send your full catalog forproducts with clear photos, and list of FOB prices in USD with prices, com...
[UA] [F493590] 乌克兰求购毛细管(capillary tube) (06-16)
  Hello Dear , How are you? Once again I want to order a stainless steel capillary tube for medical needles. Please offer your best price and your certificate of quality (certificate of quality - REQ...

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