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[IN] [F697058] 印度求购冶金矿产, 农业, 机械及工业制品, 能源(metallurgy mine,agriculture,mechanism,inductry product,energy so) (05-27)
  We are a import and exporter and wholesaler and distributor in indian. Desire to establish the long business relations with Chinese supplier for following products: metallurgy mine,agriculture,mechani...
[Other] [F696654] 阿联酋求购机械及工业制品, 冶金矿产(metallugy mine product and machine and industry produce,) (05-23)
  We want to import metallugy mine product and machine and industry produce. And desire to establish the good and long business relaitons with the supplier.
[IN] [F696653] 印度求购机械及工业制品, 五金工具, 行业专用机械设备(machine and industry produce,hardware and other specially machin) (05-22)
  Established in the year 1975 with its Registered Office at Bombay, presently known as Mumbai. comprises of a team of engineers with over 25 years of experience in design and manufacture of Industrial ...
[DZ] [F696648] 阿尔及利亚求购机械及工业制品(machine and industry produce) (05-22)
  We are a import and Wholesaler of machine and industry produce in Algeria .We look for machine and industry produce from abroad.
[IN] [F696588] 印度求购工业制品,电子电工, 礼品、工艺品, 机械及化工(industry produce , agricultural machine, constrution material an) (05-21)
  We are interested in follow porducts: industry produce , agricultural machine, constrution material and electronic products ,gift, handcraft,chemical product. I desire to meet you in canton fair next ...
[IN] [F174395] 印度求购工业制品(Vacuum cleaner robot, mopping irobots, UV Light sterilization va) (03-29)
  Vacuum cleaner robot, mopping irobots, UV Light sterilization vacuum cleaner robots Hello I am Kishore from India. I am interested in Wet and Dry type of Robo cleaners. Can you let me know the prod...
[NZ] [F119428] 新西兰求购机械及工业制品(Machinery & Industrial products) (12-04)
  We are international purchaser of Machinery & Industrial products for long time.
[BR] [F107325] 巴西求购机械及工业制品(machine and Industrial product) (05-07)
  机械及工业制品machine and Industrial product
[MO] [F62582] 墨西哥求购珠宝首饰,能源, 电子电工, 医药保健, 机械及工业制品, , 包装印刷纸(Bijouterie, energy sources ,electric product ,pharmace (05-24)
  Pls supply us follow product: Bijouterie, energy sources ,electric product ,pharmaceutical health care,machine and other industry product, , and paper packing. If you are a supplier pls contact us and...
[IR] [F62469] 伊朗求购工业原料,机械及工业制品, 五金工具, 行业专用机械设备(industry material, machine and industry produce,hardware and oth) (05-23)
  Look for industry material, machine and industry produce,hardware and other specially machine equipment that is why I come to the canton fair.
[IN] [F62468] 印度求购机械及工业制品, 化工, 农业(machine and industry produce, chemical and argriculture product) (05-22)
  A leading wholesaller and importer in scope of machine and industry produce, chemical and argriculture product in india. Would you give us your offer? Prompt reply will be highly appreciate.
[SA] [F62467] 沙特阿拉伯求购机械及工业制品, 电子电工, 能源(machine and industry produce ,electronic product and energy sour) (05-22)
  We are looking for following product: machine and industry produce ,electronic product and energy soures.

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