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[AU] [F954656] 澳大利亚求购钢结构房(light steel structure house) (02-25)
  Dear Supplier Please send more information with prices about your Light Steel Structure Houses. Thanks & Best regards, Alex
[AE] [F514728] 阿联酋求购钢结构房(steel structure) (12-07)
  I am interested in sports gym steel structural building football field steel structure.
[IN] [F514110] 印度求购钢结构房(steel structure) (12-01)
  each floor 10,000 m2 if you can go two, three or four it will increase 20k, 30k,40k. tks. amir
[RO] [F514059] 罗马尼亚求购钢结构房(steel structure warehouse) (12-01)
  We are a distribution company from Romania. We want to build two warehouses and require steel structure + sandwich panels + roof + doors + windows. The dimensions are: 1. 12 x 50 m, 5 m height, 1 d...
[AU] [F510697] 澳大利亚求购钢结构房(Shed) (11-03)
  I need 2 shed approx 30 m x 20m x 5.5 m high fully enclosed with 2 large sliding doors approx. 6-7.5 wide opening for the door and one man door . I live in a cyclone area and it needs to be able to ...

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