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[JP] [F1008286] 日本求购石油装备(ZYQ-25A-L BSP) (10-17)
  Iam interested to purchase of your item. 10 x ZYQ-25A-L BSP 5 x A1290 BSP 20 x 13A with holding latch 20 x 13A-SP03 20 x 13A-SP04 30 x 13A-C08 (Blanked)each Black,Red, blue,Green,yellow 50 x DA...
[IR] [F758514] 伊朗求购天然气和石油装备(Gas And Petrolium) (03-03)
  Gas And Petrolium Industry Equipments Dear Sir,s We are an Iranian group companies who working in the field of importing construction materials,gas and petrolium equipments. One of our 8 compan...
[US] [F512632] 美国求购石油装备(oil equipment) (11-20)
  we would like to purchase oil equipment ,please email ASAP

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