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chicken farm buyer & importer

[US] [F1171665] 美国求购LED家禽灯(Waterproof led poultry tube light for chicken farm) (07-19)
  Dear Pearl, We have a project of poultry farm that might need your items T10-VD-120MM or A80-D(02). Can you please send me the cut sheet for both of them? Please send it to my email.many thanks,Mentri...
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[SRB] [F1130899] 塞尔维亚求购养鸡场塔筒仓(Tower Silo for Chicken Farm) (05-25)
  Respected, Please, send me an offer for:-Tower Silo for Chicken Farm15Twith pneumatic fill-tube screw conveyor 10m (incline 20-25°)Best regards,
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[ES] [F516314] 西班牙求购养鸡场(chicken farm) (12-16)
  We are interested in setting up a chicken farm for a capacity of 25,000 chickens each cycle. Send quotation for the required items. Thank you Best regards,

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