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[EG] [F802052] 埃及求购液氮容器(nitrogen container) (03-09)
  i need product; name nitrogen container kindly provide us with full details about liquid nitrogen container for size 100 liter, besides ( the price , terms of payments, shipping to egypt) and any othe...
[IR] [F774440] 伊朗求购气流阀、液氮容器(Gas Regulators, Liquid Nitrogen Container) (07-30)
  Hi, Our company is a sole distributor company which is works in fields of medical and industrial gases and their equipments such as regulators, valves, cylinders,liquid N2 container and etc, in IRAN ...
[PK] [F517561] 巴基斯坦求购YDS-6精液存储液氮容器(YDS-6 semen storage liquid nitrogen container) (12-23)
  Dears We need to import Niquid Nitrogen Container For Semen Storing.. 2 Lt Min quantity 100 pcs at start. Please quote me your best minimum rates. Thanks

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