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cards buyer & importer

[AU] [F675536] 澳大利亚求购文具,礼品盒(Stationery/Cards/Paper ,Boxes (music/gift/money/jewellery)) (08-29)
  Exquisite Gift Wrappings supplies both retail and bulk packaging products. Lines include wrapping papers, gift bags, gift boxes, ribbon product, cards, stationery, carry bags, tissue, carry bags, plas...
[AU] [F665217] 澳大利亚求购文具(CARDS,BOOKS STATIONERY) (06-15)
[HK] [F662381] 香港求购印刷品(urgent enquiry for cards) (05-29)
  size: 135x95mm material: 300g/sq. meter matt artpaper alternatively: 350g/sq. meter matt artpaper qty: 151,400 sets 51pcs/set printing: 4/4c+varnish inserters: 400g/sq. meter ...
[AR] [F642037] 阿根廷求购礼品/蜡烛(gifts, candles, cards) (02-22)
  I am looking for products to importo to Argentina. My customers are retail stores which sell cheap products as gifts, candles, cards, etc. Prices per unit must be low, and quality outstandard. We are ...
[IN] [F495717] 印度求购卡片(cards) (07-01)
  We are looking for a large manufacturer of wallet size cards which have a magnification lens and an LED light. (We had a partnership with a company in China which is no longer available.) For a better...
[DZ] [F393892] 阿尔及利亚求购卡片(cards) (10-16)
  Thank you for sending us a detailed estimate and inform us of:
[US] [F278763] 美国求购卡片(cards) (11-09)
  cards Dear Sir. We are interested in your products so i want you to send me your email address or reply to my private email address with . Thank you and God Bless
[LT] [F199772] 立陶宛求购纸牌(CARDS) (05-28)
  hello, im looking to buy UNO cards please send me your catalog with goods and prices list. Have a nice day, goodbye ps. sorry for my bad english
[IN] [F131724] 印度求购卡片(cards) (12-21)
  we need contact 32k mifare(smart) cards for a project
[GR] [F107887] 希腊求购卡(cards) (06-01)
  Dear Sir/ Madame, Hello, how are you? This is Olga, buyer of company Spirit Innovations SA in Greece. Our company is a promotion gift company organising large scale promotions for multinational co...
[DE] [F72256] 德国求购扑克牌(Cards) (11-07)
  buy Cards
[AU] [F63310] 澳大利亚求购汽车导航系统、MP3、MP4、闪存等(Buy Gps and DPF,mp4, mp3,flash driver, cards from AU) (06-10)
  We wirte to introduce ourselves as one of leading importer from AU. At present, we're interested in various kinds of Regarding GPS i'd like to make a trial order of 200pcs.size

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