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[RU] [F807923] 俄罗斯联邦求购展览器材(exhibit equipment) (05-01)
  profile for exhibit equipment type Octanorm. Please send me the price and samples. Good afternoon. I am interested in a profile for exhibit equipment type Octanorm. Please send me the price and sampl...
[US] [F665732] 美国求购展览器材与灯具(Exhibition equipment and lamps) (06-20)
[UK] [F653007] 英国求购服务/展览器材(Business Services/Service Equipment & Supplies/Exhibition Equipm) (04-13)
  We are currently seeking a Chinese supplier of aluminum snap frame for our signage business in the UK. There is lots of competition so we need the best frames at the cheapest price. We have further im...
[DE] [F548492] 德国求购展览器材(Preisliste) (09-08)
  Hallo, wir mhten eine grere Auswahl an Produkten in unserem Shop anbieten und dazu von Ihnen Produkte kaufen. Hauptshlich Prospektstder und Theken. Bitte senden Sie mir eine Preisliste zu
[GT] [F63568] 危地马拉求购展览器材(Standard Booth) (06-14)
  Please quote me the Standard booth of 3x3x2.5. Please indicate materials, estimated time of delivery, payment terms, etc.
[UA] [F63566] 乌克兰求购展览器材(Standard Booth) (06-14)
  Partnership with Ukraine. We have many Ukrainian & Russian clients, who need Exhibition Program Display Stand & Accessories and are interested in long-term cooperation with Chinese producers. We are...

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