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[HK] [F1072678] 香港求购红外温度计(infrared thermometre handheld) (02-29)
  Dear Sir We have enquiry for the following item. Description : Infrared handheld thermometre (gun model handheld) Quantity : 20,000pcs Please quote us FOB India seaport prices, speci...
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[KW] [F1071729] 科威特求购红外温度计(No Touch Forehead Thermometer) (02-20)
  Please find below inquiry from one of our customer and quote us best price with datasheet and lead time for delivery. Also, provide the freight charges to Kuwait. 1. No Touch Forehead Thermometer Qt...
[TW] [F1052189] 台湾求购蓝牙红外温度计(infrared Thermometer With Bluetooth) (09-23)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is AllyYang from CA. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: 1. FDA 2. CE 3. Bluetooth Please contact with me directly. Thank you.
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[UK] [F1012923] 英国求购身体红外温度计(infrared body thermometer) (12-18)
  Interested under >6$ pcs. Best offer will be selected for future business. I’m ebay/amazon seller in UK and also our team do a local deliveries for customers. Also I’m looking many different prod...
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[SG] [F832578] 新加坡求购雷泰红外温度计(RAYTEK Infrared Thermometer) (02-14)
  I'm currently looking for RAYTEK Infrared Thermometer. I have visited your web site today and observed that your company carrying for RAYTEK products. Please let me know if you will be able to supply ...
[SE] [F535069] 瑞典求购红外激光红外温度计(Measurement IR Laser Infrared Thermometer) (05-09)
  Please quote me for 1 off & 3 off the above mentioned thermometer please quote your best price & delivery to the address below Regards Mervin O'Brien Outokumpu Stainless Ltd ASR Rod Mill...

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