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Leisure Food buyer & importer

[IL] [F979176] 以色列求购休闲食品(Leisure food) (11-27)
  the first order will be 1 container
[JP] [F960365] 日本求购休闲食品(Leisure Food) (06-03)
  Hi, shop owner here. Could I get MOQ and price for the following product: --------------------- Lay's Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potato Chips Description: Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potat...
[JP] [F536081] 日本求购乐事食品(Leisure Food) (05-17)
  Hi, shop owner here. Could I get MOQ and price for the following product: --------------------- Lay's Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potato Chips Description: Salt & Vinegar Flavored Potat...

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