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Sandalwood oil buyer & importer

[FR] [F980055] 法国求购化妆品(sandalwood oil) (12-19)
  10 Kilogram
[IN] [F867289] 印度求购檀香木檀香精油(Sandalwood & Sandalwood Oil) (10-30)
  Dear Sir/Madam, We are importer of Sandalwood & Sandalwood oil. We are interested to import Sandalwood roots/ logs (Clean & high smell of oil) & also in sandalwood oil.
[MY] [F765258] 马来西亚求购檀香油(Sandalwood Oil) (04-16)
  Dear Sir Kindly provide me with the quotation for sandalwood oil. Thank you. Regards,
[AU] [F537114] 澳大利亚求购檀香油(Sandalwood oil) (05-25)
  My name is Lucy Graham, I am from the Mukinbudin Sandalwood Factory in Western Australia. I am contacting you in regard to our Wild Crafted Western Australian Sandalwood Oil (Santalum Spicatum). We...

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