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[RU] [F875403] 俄罗斯求购半球摄像机(Dome Camera) (01-17)
  Hello, I am representativ of IT EYE company established in Georgia which installs video supervision cameras. We'd like to communicate with you and it will be better to contact and speak to a person wh...
[SE] [F844149] 瑞典求购半球摄像机(dome camera) (04-24)
  Hi! How do I adjust the sharpness/focus on AJ-C0WA-C0D8? The picture/image is not sharp! Best regards!
[LC] [F586248] 圣露西亚求购半球摄像机(dome cameras) (08-31)
  I'm looking for some wireless bullet and dome cameras, also need some wireless kits too. can I get some price list?
[TH] [F545097] 泰国求购高速PTZ半球摄像机(High-speed PTZ Dome Cameras) (07-26)
  We want to buy High-speed PTZ Dome Cameras for major cities security system. Please send me the specification and prices of the requested products. Our local CCTV applications are available at; www...

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