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[IN] [F709194] 印度求购金刚石工具(Diamond Drill For Glass) (10-08)
  Dear Sir, We have a regular requriment of Sintered Diamond Drills, in various sizes as mention below:- 1] Dia. 6 mm - 50 Pcs. 2] Dia. 8 mm - 50 Pcs. 3] Dia. 10 mm - 50 Pcs. 4] Dia. 11 m...
[YU] [F649791] 南斯拉夫求购金刚石工具(diamond tools) (03-28)
  We would like to sell your products to our customers in Europe! We are stone processing and trading company. The company was established in 1995. Our product range is from monuments to architecture....
[SA] [F591111] 沙特阿拉伯求购金刚石工具(Concrete Diamond Tool) (10-24)
  900 mm Concrete Diamond Tool and cutting disc for concrete and marble disc and bit of all sizes companies from korea will be prefer
[PT] [F584829] 葡萄牙求购金刚石工具(diamond tools) (08-18)
  Portugal need diamond tools
[AU] [F584828] 澳大利亚求购金刚石工具(diamond tools) (08-18)
  Australia need diamond tools
[VE] [F584827] 委内瑞拉求购金刚石工具(diamond tools) (08-18)
  Venezuela need diamond tools
[KR] [F584823] 韩国求购金刚石工具(diamond tools) (08-18)
  South Africa need diamond tools
[TR] [F582947] 土耳其求购金刚石工具(diamond saw blade) (08-02)
  diamond saw blade,hardware
[IT] [F578411] 意大利求购金刚石工具(cutting tools) (06-30)
  An example of leading-edge excellence in the stone cutting sector since 1973, in 40 years of activity, Dellas Spa has reached a leading position in the international market of the production and sale ...
[MN] [F575460] 蒙古求购金刚石工具(hardware) (06-07)
  cutting tools, like diamond saw blade, hardware
[UZ] [F494867] 乌兹别克斯坦求购金刚石工具(diamond wheel and drill) (06-25)
  АО Кварц" крупнейшее предприятие по выпуску листового и закаленного стекла в Узбекистане. Мы интересуемся вашей продукцией для использования в собственном производстве, просим Вас предоставить цены...
[PL] [F458984] 波兰求购金刚石工具(POLEN) (09-17)
  Hallo A few years ago you bought at the tool. As a company ROFIDIAM. Please, current prices and delivery times: GC14B1252 GC18B125 Robert Fijałkowski Polen
[IN] [F246385] 印度求购金刚石工具(Diamond tools) (08-23)
  Please provide us your quotation for 14" to 2m size segments quotation as we would like to purchase them in bulk quantity. MD, SuperAbrasives

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