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[MY] [F1097686] 马来西亚求购活性氧化锌(zinc oxide active) (08-21)
  zinc oxide active Can you please send me a price list and catalogue for your best-selling products. And who is main importer in Malaysia
[DZ] [F958001] 阿尔及利亚求购活性氧化锌(active zinc oxide) (04-19)
  This is othmane from Algeria and I would like to customize "active zinc oxide" with the following specifications: Classification: Zinc Oxide CAS No.: 1314-13-2 Other Names: Zinc White MF: Zinc Whi...
[IR] [F581821] 伊朗求购活性氧化锌(1314-13-2 Active Zinc Oxide ZnO 1314-13-2) (07-26)
  Dear Sir or Madam, Nice day! Hereunder please find our inquiry with below specification : - ZINC Oxide powder (ZINC ORE CONCENTRATION) ( 55% Zn & 45% Zn) Quantity= 100 Tons HS CODE (China)= 260...

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