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Power Wheelchairs buyer & importer

[IN] [F827397] 印度求购电动轮椅(Power Wheelchairs) (12-28)
  I would like to know the cost of this motorised wheel chair and the suitability of this for a young girl who has no right hand, a short stub for a left hand and a short stub for right leg and a functi...
[PK] [F822696] 巴基斯坦求购电动轮椅(Power Wheelchairs) (12-05)
  what is the rate of this power wheelchair.
[CL] [F659006] 智利求购电动轮椅(Buy Power Wheelchairs) (05-10)
  I have a request for power wheelchairs for low income people, the product must have a low price, and be designed to perform adequately on flat even terrain, appearance is not an issue, good performanc...

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