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lorries buyer & importer

[VN] [F770823] 越南求购起重机、推土机、卡车(Cranes, Bulldozer, Lorries) (06-08)
  We now in the position to search for right suppliers of construction, mechanical, automotive, industrial equipments and machineries for a training project in Vietnam. 1. Cranes, bulldozer, road rol...
[UG] [F730101] 乌干达求购车(Cars, Lorries And Tractors) (05-05)
  Tyres For Cars, Lorries And Tractors We would like to trade in tyres that are affordable for the Ugandan market, most of the customers here cannot afford expensive tyres and therefore mostly buy le...
[Other] [F697853] 扎伊尔共和国求购二手汽车,公共汽车,卡车(secondhand cars; buses and lorries) (06-02)
  Importer is looking for suppliers of secondhand cars; buses and lorries
[FR] [F663944] 法国求购汽车过滤器(Filters for cars,lorries,construction machines) (06-07)

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