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VESSEL FOR SCRAP buyer & importer

[PK] [F1026719] 巴基斯坦求购船舶废料(VESSEL FOR SCRAP) (04-11)
  Dear Sirs, We are looking for our buyers the under mentioned used ships for demolition and second hand running Oil Tanker, Cargo, Bulk, Ferrys PLEASE NOTE THAT BE SPECIFIC FOR THE UNDER MENTIO...
[ID] [F686043] 印度尼西亚求购盛碎片的器皿(VESSEL FOR SCRAP / SCRAP VESSEL) (12-25)
  We, as direct mediator (A1) to buyer would like to receive information about VESSEL FOR SCRAP or SCRAP VESSEL.Our buyer is looking for VESSEL FOR SCRAP or SCRAP VESSEL. Please kindly send us your quot...

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