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Flower Sleeve buyer & importer

[SE] [F729630] 瑞典求购鲜花袋(flower sleeve) (04-28)
  I would like to know more about your flower sleeve and to see more of you object. If you can send me a catalogue or web it's will be great.
[NL] [F719642] 荷兰求购鲜花袋(Flower Sleeve) (01-16)
  We are a trader of plastic packaging for the Flower industry in Europe. To make it fast and easy I will give you our current best prices ($ CIF Rotterdam) received from your competitors in China. If...
[US] [F690816] 美国求购鲜花袋(Flower Sleeve) (03-15)
  are these sleeves for one flower or a bunch? how much are they for 10000? Do you have floral rolls instead of sleeves?

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