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agriculture products buyer & importer

[YE] [F112893] 也门求购农产品(agriculture products) (11-10)
  dear sear have agood business . we are company services and markiting in middle east please can you inform us your products list prices to start working in the middle east market for markiting your ...
[EG] [F91323] 埃及求购农产品(Agriculture Products) (01-03)
  Dear: We are Egyptian company who trades in Agriculture Products, specially Wheat Bran. We are interested in Importing and Exporting Wheat Bran to every where in the world. If you are a buyer o...
[] [F76684] 埃及求购农产品(agriculture products) (12-21)
  we are planning to start trading in other agricultural products such as Garlic,onions,white and red kidney beans....ect
[PT] [F73736] 葡萄牙求购农产品(agriculture products) (11-25)
  we represend a company in portugal that is major dealer in trimer and triller and other farm prodcuts. please send us the price list of farm produts as trimer and tiller , engine chain saw please send...

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