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Carbon Dioxide buyer & importer

[IN] [F839172] 印度求购二氧化碳(CARBON DIOXIDE) (03-21)
  Price Quote: (in USD/MT)
[SA] [F524465] 沙特求购炭黑(CARBON DIOXIDE) (02-02)
[UA] [F499215] 乌克兰求购Carbon Dioxide(Carbon Dioxide) (07-28)
  Let me introduce ALC "Perechin Timber & Chemical Plant". > We are interested in availability and price for industrial acetic acid in amount of 2000,00 tons\month. > Specification : Purity: 99....
[ZW] [F388191] 津巴布韦求购二氧化碳(Carbon dioxide) (09-13)
  Carbon dioxideQuantity Required: 2 Unit/Units Good day to you,Please may i have a quotation for the above carbon dioxide incubator with a gas tank qty 2Best regardsNancy Mukusha
[BE] [F347770] 比利时求购二氧化碳(Carbon dioxide) (01-07)
  Hello! I need 50 cylinders fifty liter gas cylinder for carbon dioxide (CO2). The requirement is 300 bar working pressure and 450 bar test pressure. Can you supply them and transport them to Baku? ...
[US] [F74373] 美国求购二氧化碳(Carbon Dioxide) (12-03)
  JPChance is seeking to purchase pure carbon dioxide from hydrocarbon energy companies, governments and banks. The carbon dioxide must be stored in aluminium, steel, or plastic barrels.

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