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ASPHALT MIXING PLANT buyer & importer

[IN] [F782128] 印度求购搅拌机(asphalt mixing plant) (02-26)
  need asphalt mixing plant,120t/h,data and best price
[VN] [F781737] 越南求购搅拌机(Asphalt mixing plant) (02-03)
  We are a Vietnamese asphalt company. We are looking for the Asphalt Mixing Plant (capacity: minimum 120ton/hour) manufacturers (suppliers) from Europe or South Korea. We also consider the used one wit...
[CO] [F781646] 哥伦比亚求购搅拌机(wanted asphalt mixing plant) (02-03)
  we needed asphalt mixing plant to complete our project,genuine manufacturer please contact us asap.
[TH] [F780919] 泰国求购搅拌机(Asphalt Mixing Plant Wanted) (01-14)
  used or new plantCapacity80 - 120 t/hr
[US] [F468306] 美国求购沥青搅拌器(Asphalt Mixing Plant) (11-11)
  How much for your Mini Asphalt Mixing Plant? Shays' Ink...Trade Chaplin*, WE MARRY YOU!! (USA,), ... ask on a recipe for the implementation of your small foot-print Asphalt mixing Plant. ( Requirmen...
[LR] [F380627] 利比里亚求购搅拌设备(Asphalt mixing plant) (08-12)
  Asphalt mixing plant and stone/rock crusher order quantity: 2 Plant/Plants Hi There; Please send me quotations for the following asphalt mixing plants: 40 to 100t/h. Thanks. John Youboty
[NL] [F380538] 荷兰求购沥青搅拌站(Asphalt mixing Plant) (08-12)
  Asphalt mixing Plant Ammann IMA 200 order quantity: 1 Pieces - Capacity of the plant: 200t/h - Hoppers/Bunkers : 9 Pieces x 8m3 - Recycling hopper : 1 piece 8m3 - Mixer capacity : Effective mi...
[PK] [F380536] 巴基斯坦求购搅拌设备(asphalt mixing plant) (08-12)
  asphalt mixing plant price order quantity: 1 Unit Dear Sir / Madam Supercon Engineers is a construction compny working in Pakistan. We want a Asphalt mixing plant in pakistan, If you provide i...

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