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[PK] [F350602] 巴基斯坦求购制氧机(Oxygen producing plant) (01-15)
  We are willing to buy an Oxygen producing plant which should a small/medium size plant with high production and purity rate, easy operation and best economy. The gas produced has to filled in cylinder...
[RU] [F241750] 俄罗斯求购制氧机(oxygen generator) (08-06)
  Dear Sirs, I am interested in 2 oxygen generators with capacity 12 kg/h each, 95% purity. Please send your catalogs and quotation
[BD] [F170947] 孟加拉国求购制氧机(Oxygen Plant) (03-23)
  We require a Commercial Oxygen Manufacturing Plant, capacity 1000 Cylinders (9.7) per 12 Hrs. We prefer Chinese origin and already existing/ in-operation in Bangladesh. Please send us details along...
[IN] [F142860] 印度求购制氧机(Oxygen Generator) (01-06)
  Looking for Oxygen Geneating Device used for medical Purpose. should able to generate oxygen upto 4 Cylinders.
[MY] [F133534] 马来西亚求购制氧机(Oxygen Concentrator) (12-23)
  Our company was found in 2001, it is growig big with the developement of the world. We need partner to cooperatewith us. We want to buy PSA and portable oxygen concentrator, please give us your spec...
[TH] [F76634] 泰国求购制氧机(oxygen concentrators) (12-21)
  This is Elena Ngai (Yick), from Suwantaweechot Trading Co., Ltd. Please send me the specifications for 3L and 5L oxygen concentrators with price list. FOB or CIF to Klongtoey. Thanks

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