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Gas Disposal buyer & importer

[UK] [F1064859] 英国求购气体处理器(Gas Disposal) (12-03)
  Hi we are a liquid milk drying plant and are looking for desiccant wheel dehumidifier, we have air flow of120000kg air per hour, do you make them 4000mm diameter x 400mm wide which is around size need...
[HK] [F1064858] 香港求购气体处理(Gas Disposal) (12-03)
  Hi, I need a Silver Chloride electrode to measure the galvanic protection of boats. So I am looking for a 25 feet cable and a seawaterproof sealing between the cable and the electrode. What would be t...
[UK] [F1050380] 英国求购废气处理设备(Gas Disposal) (09-10)
  Please up date product information and basic price, many thanks Chris.
[KW] [F832037] 科威特求购废气处理设备(Gas Disposal) (02-10)
  I need to find a good Gas Disposal manufactures in international market,Waiting for your kind response.
[PK] [F749683] 巴基斯坦求购废气处理(Gas Disposal) (11-23)
  Gas Scrubbing, Gas Disposal Removal of NOx/COx gases from the exhaust of diesel generation power plant

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