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Mobile Internet Device buyer & importer

[VE] [F789339] 委内瑞拉求购移动终端(Mobile internet device) (09-13)
  Please tell me more about Mobile internet devices products.
[PH] [F789195] 菲律宾求购移动设备(Mobile Internet Device ) (09-06)
  Cordial Greetings from Continental Sales Inc (CSI)., a member of LKG GROUP of Companies: LKG Group and its formidable business conglomerates, adept at operating in different well...
[PL] [F779104] 波兰求购触摸终端(Mobile Internet Device) (11-25)
  I am interested in your product : 7-inch Mobile Internet Device and Embedded Computing with Wi-Fi, Ethernet Port, and Bluetooth.
[LV] [F779038] 拉脱维亚求购触摸终端(Mobile Internet Device) (11-25)
  I am interested in your product : 10.2-inch Mobile Internet Device with Built-in Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, 4,100mAh Battery, and USB Port. please send your best prices
[IN] [F778040] 印度求购触摸终端(Mobile Internet Device) (10-30)
  I am interested in your product: 7-inch Mobile Internet Device, Supports Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Operating System. plz mail me all price list with discount on mail id i hope you,ll send me asap. Sa...
[US] [F775694] 美国求购互联网终端(Mobile internet device) (08-24)
  I am interested in Mobile internet device products. I am looking for a device in which it's only use would be for intranet access in a restaurant chain of over 650 restaurants (approx 3 devices per)...
[PL] [F773758] 波兰求购互联网终端(Mobile Internet Device) (07-22)
  I am interested in your product -: 7-inch Mobile Internet Device, Supports Microsoft Windows CE 5.0 Operating System.
[US] [F772444] 美国求购移动互联网设备(Mobile Internet Device) (06-22)
  am interested in Mobile Internet Device for home based application. Screen sizes from 7 to 10". I am looking for devices based on Qualcomm Snapdragon or TI OMAP 35xx processor. Must support bluetoot...

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