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sticker sheet buyer & importer

[FR] [F1197243] 法国求购贴纸(sticker sheet) (04-27)
  It’s about 10 sheets of stickers, here is the file with all my sheets. You can see they are 12 sheets in my PDF but I need only 10 sheets (I remove Alphabets and Numbers). I would like to sell thes...
[IN] [F1009525] 印度求购水钻贴纸自粘(rhinestone sticker sheet self adhesive) (10-31)
  Dear Sir/Madam, This is AakashMishra from IN. I'm looking for products with the following specifications: 1. Rhinestones Sticker a. Size - 5mm and 6mm b. Colour - Pink, Golden, Silver, Purple,Gre...
[IN] [F775598] 印度求购包装材料(sticker sheet) (08-21)
  I need from Indian supplier (only) to contact me for 10,500 sheets of Everdiction sticker sheet, white back..

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